Leadership Application


I know the Lord as my Savior and, by God's grace, I am striving to live in a manner that pleases Him. I meet the qualifications and I have a desire to honor the Lord by serving in the church. I will be committed to serving however the leadership over me sees fit to use me, and I'll strive to do so with a loving and caring attitude for those that I am ministering to.  I understand that whatever ministry that I am a part of is not for my glory or entertainment, but for the glory of God. I also understand that I may be asked to step out of ministry if I do not have the right motivation or if I am not consistently attending the main Worship Service.

It is vitally important that we have your input as parents regarding your youth's involvement in any of these ministries. It is our desire to provide them a ministry opportunity that will teach them a great deal about ministry and commitment. Please carefully review the qualifications listed in this application. If you know that your youth does not possess these qualifications, please discuss that with them, and let them know that they will not be able to serve in one of the listed ministry opportunities.     Understanding that we all sinners who have room to grow and are continually being sanctified, students need to demonstrate a commitment to following the Lord before joining a service team. Please do not allow your teen to sign up if they are not sincerely  seeking to live-out the Christian life in your home and in the community. On the other hand, if they are demonstrating a clear and consistent testimony, we believe that these are wonderful opportunities for them to continue in their growth in the Lord and for them to train others to know Christ more.

Please answer the following questions regarding the current state of your relationship with the Lord

I understand that I may be removed from the list of approved volunteers for any of the following reasons:
1. If I am not responsible in the roles where I am placed.
2. if I am not respectful and obedient to the authority that is put in place over me, i.e., in the church, in the youth group, or your area of ministry.
3. If I stop consistently attending the main worship service on Sunday mornings.
4. If I am not committed to growing in patterns of Christ-likeness.
5. If I am not obedient and respectful to my parents.